Make savings simply and easily on the go with great deals on car insurance, switching your energy bills, credit cards and loans. SAVE AT LEAST £332* ON YOUR ENERGY BILLS
Never switched energy suppliers? We'd like to introduce you to our new energy quick switch feature, helping you easily switch to the right energy deal and save at least £332* on your bills
- Compare and switch: search and compare a wide range of products on the go to find a cheaper deal for you
- Review your recent quotes: view and manage a clear list of your most recent quotes and potential savings
- Car insurance estimator: helps you get competitive insurance estimates for any car registration
- News & deals: the latest handy hints and videos on how to make your money go further from the team at MoneySuperMarket
- To-do list: set handy reminders so you're always in control - let us do the hard work so you never miss out on the opportunity to save
- Savings in your postcode: see how what you currently pay compares to the average of those that use our services in your area
- Your profile: view and edit your MoneySuperMarket account activity so you’re always up to date
Tap. Save. Go.
We’re always excited to hear from our users, so if you have any questions or feedback please email
[email protected].
* Source: MoneySuperMarket energy applications data, June 2016